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Start price: 150000.00
Sardegna - Eccezionale busta da Torino per Trieste affrancata con 5 più 10 più 20 cent. e striscia di tre del 3 lire ottimamente marginata ma con leggere pieghe - Spettacolare lettera quadricolore che rappresenta il più importante documento per la quarta emissione - Terzo posto scala rarità A.S.I. Sassone - Ex Achillito Chiesa - EmD/AD/ED/LG/Bolaffi - Cert. Colla (13Cb + 14D + 15E + 18A)
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Your Search includes items of the Third Reich

Please Note: German $86 and $86a StGB

The condition for any acquisitions from Philasearch offers is for you to take notice of §86 and §86a StGB, German Law. A historical and military item from the year 1933-1945 with a third Reich emblem, is not to be used in any propagandistical way. It is strictly forbidden and a criminal offence. The items only to be used, among other things, for civil educational intention, historical research, to report about the happenings of the NS-Time.

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Current Time: Wednesday February 19th 2025 - 14:08 MET