• Address
    Lenz Briefmarken
    Axel Lenz
    Thurgauer Str. 1
    78224 Singen

    Tel.: +49 (0) 7731 64982
    Fax: +49 (0) 7731 69446
    E-Mail: info@briefmarken-lenz.de
    Web: http://www.briefmarken-lenz.de
  • About LENZ Briefmarken & Münzen

    Lenz stamps is an established specialized business since 1958 having conducted international auctions for more than 50 years. We also provide philatelic and numismatic accessories from several brands. Please feel free to browse our versatile offer.

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Information for Online Disputes

"Online Dispute Resolution" (ODR platform by EU regulation)

Link to EU online dispute resolution (splatform)

Information according to Paragraph. 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013 (ODR Regulation)

Information for online dispute resolution: The European Commission presents an Internet platform for online dispute settlement (so-called "ODR platform") as a focal point for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts on goods or services used.

The EU Commission OS platform can be accessed at the link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

We can be reached via e-mail address: info@briefmarken-lenz.de


Lenz Briefmarken 
Axel Lenz 
Thurgauer Str. 1 
78224 Singen 

Tel.: +49 7731 64982 
Fax: +49 7731 69446 

USt.-Id.Nr.: DE 813599257
Terms and Conditions

LENZ Briefmarken & Münzen

General Auction Conditions

1. The auction conditions are printed in the auction catalogues. They can also be seen in the business prem­ ises of the Auctioneer. Even without written acceptance they exclusively apply when sending bids, allo­ cating purchase orders or making personal bids at the auction.

2. The auction is public and voluntary and is conducted, own goods excluded, in the name and on account of the the third party for cash payment in EUROs.

3. The minimum bid increments are:
From Price in Euro Increment in Euro
0.- 2.-
50.- 5.-
200.- 10.-
500.- 20.-
1.000.- 50.-
2.000.- 100.-
10.000.- 500.-

The minimum for “best-offer” lots is EUR 10.00!

4. The knockdown goes to the highest bidder. The knockdown is awarded if after three calls of a bid no over­ bid is made. As representative of the client, the Auctioneer is entitled to reject a bid, regroup, merge, split or also completely withdraw lots. He is further entitled to deviate from the sequence of lots as shown in the auction catalogue. Auctioneer reserves the right to exclude persons from the auction without giving reasons.

5. If there are doubts as to whether or to whom the knockdown has been granted, or if an overbid is over­ looked, and for other unclear cases, the Auctioneer is entitled to withdraw the knockdown and to offer the lot for auction again. Where bids are made to the same value, the knockdown will be determined by lot.

6. The knockdown imposes the obligation to buy and pay. Bidders present at the auction must settle the purchase invoice immediately; for written bids the auction invoice is payable on delivery and must be settled within two weeks.

7. Agency relationships must be declared before the start of the auction otherwise the purchase contract comes into being with the bidder. The knockdown passes the risk to the purchaser. However this does not pass the title until complete pay­ ment of the purchase price has been made; in the case of a cheque title is not passed until the cheque is cleared.

8. The provision of 20% and a lot fee of EUR 2.00 per lot is levied on the knockdown price. Value added tax of 19% is levied on the provision and fees (brokerage service), rather than on the knockdown price. For buyers from EU countries, VAT is levied according to the Directives in force since 01/01/1993 in the EU internal market of the VAT internal market legislation. The premium and lot fee for investment gold according to §25c UstG, which is marked with “o“ in front of the lot number, is exempt from VAT. According to exceptions in the EC legislation, VAT does not apply to purchases from abroad which we send directly to non-EU countries. For dealers, a VAT registration number qualifying for VAT exemption must be communicated on submission of a bid. It is not possible to amend the invoice afterwards!

9. If the buyer is in arrears with payment for longer than one week or refuses to take delivery, the Auctioneer is entitled – after setting a grace period of one week with warning of denial of service – to withdraw from the contract or demand damages from the buyer for non-performance. In the last case, the Auctioneer is entitled, without prejudice to claiming actual higher damages, to require 30% of the auction invoice as compensation. In this case, proof of damage is not required. If the buyer proves that the Auctioneer has suffered no or only a small amount of damage, the Auctioneer can only claim the actual damages caused.

10. If the buyer defaults on his payment, interest at the rate of 1,5% per month commenced is charged. The rate of interest can be set higher or lower, if the Auctioneer proves a financial burden with a higher rate of ­interest or the buyer proves a lower financial burden. The Auctioneer can collect and sue for purchase monies, purchase money arrears and accessory consideration in his own name.

11. For protection of all current and future – also conditional or limited in time – claims of the Auctioneer, es­ pecially purchase monies, purchase money arrears and accessory considerations, the buyer hereby grants the Auctioneer a contractual lien on the property of the buyer in the possession of the Auctioneer. The Auctioneer hereby accepts the lien. If the buyer does not meet his liabilities, and after expiry of a cor­ responding express warning grace period of one week, the Auctioneer is entitled to exercise his lien with­ out legal action with feasible consideration to the buyer at any time at a suitable place for him all at once or by degrees, such express warning remaining undone if it is held unreasonable. The realisation is done at the discretion of the Auctioneer, in particular by acquisition, free sale, putting up for auction again or otherwise. Any costs and disbursements which accrue during the granting, administration, exercising or release of the lien are borne by the buyer.

12. The descriptions of the lots in the catalogue have been made with great care and to the best of our knowl­ edge; however they do not represent any promised characteristics and are for informational purposes only. All lots can be viewed and inspected in the business premises of the Auctioneer before or during the auc­ tion. With the exception of collections, accumulations or other large lots, every lot can be requested for inspection on receipt of the shipping costs including insurance, however only on proof of references for unknown customers. Mint stamps are excluded from inspection shipments. Complaints of any kind, in particular with respect to quality and quantity, are barred for collections, accu­ mulations or other large lots. Provided the description does not show otherwise, the stated catalogue values are not binding and do not represent any promised characteristic. Lots which are already described as having defects cannot be complained about on account of other small defects. Defects which are produced by the illustrations (serration, perforation, postmark, centering etc.) cannot be made the object of a complaint. Any complaint is excluded if lots or stamps have been altered. Alterations are particularly classified as removal of hinges, remnants of hinges or paper, watering, treatment with chemicals and application of markings of any kind. By making a bid on already examined stamps or on stamps with certificate, the expert’s marks or certificates which are available to the buyer for inspection or notice are recognised by the latter as authoritative. Incidentally, complaints for obvious manifesting defects must be received by the Auctioneer within 14 days of handover or delivery of the lots. The Auctioneer may request from the buyer that the latter obtain, at hisexpense, examination certificates from two independent recognised specialist examiners in substantia­ tion of his complaint. Stamps which are clearly determined as fake can be identified as such by the examiners. The Auctioneer is entitled to refer the buyer with all complaints to the seller. For acknowledged complaints, the buyer can claim reimbursement of the purchase price and provision; other claims by the buyer are barred.

13. Written bids are executed strictly according to the current state of the auction. Best or highest bids are included up to 5 times the limit price. “Best offer” lots are knocked down for the highest price.

14. Claims for damages against the Auctioneer whether for delay, impossibility of the service, collateral negli­ gence, negligence on conclusion of contract or from tortuous acts, are barred provided the damage has not been caused by intent or gross negligence.

15. The auction conditions above also apply analogously for all transactions with auction lots completed out­ side the auction.

16. Place of performance is the premises of the Auctioneer. The exclusive jurisdiction for all current and future claims from the business relationship with registered merchants, including bills and cheques outstanding, is the premises of the Auctioneer. The same jurisdic­ tion applies, if the buyer has no general domestic jurisdiction, relocates his domicile or usual residence abroad after conclusion of the contract, or if his domicile or usual place of residence is not known at the time of bringing an action.

17. If one of the auction conditions should be ineffective, this does not affect the validity of the remaining conditions. The ineffective condition must be replaced with a legally permissible condition which comes the closest to the commercial purpose of the ineffective condition.

Singen, Thurgauer Straße 1 Axel Lenz
Privacy agreement

LENZ Briefmarken & Münzen

113th Briefmarken Lenz Auction ONLINE LIVE
November 8th - 14th, 2024

International auction with a worldwide offering, with a focus on German areas, Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Special offer for Old Germany Baden, Bavaria, Bergedorf, Braunschweig and Württemberg. Over 1200 collections, lots and estates.
In the coin part with over 700 items from rare individual pieces to entire estates, a large offering for collectors and investors in silver and gold.

Short Terms and Conditions

The provision of 20% and a lot fee of EUR 2.00 per lot is levied on the knockdown price. Value added tax is levied on the provision and fees (brokerage service), rather than on the knockdown price. For buyers from EU countries, VAT is levied according to the Directives in force since 01/01/1993 in the _EU internal market of the VAT internal market legislation. The premium and lot fee for investment gold according to §25c UstG, which is marked with “ o “ after the lot number, is exempt from VAT. According to exceptions in the EC legislation, VAT does not apply to purchases from abroad which we send directly to non-EU countries. For dealers, a VAT registration number qualifying for VAT exemption must be communicated on submission of a bid. It is not possible to amend the invoice afterwards!

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Lot Start Lot End Starting Time Description

Friday November 8th, 2024

7238 7866 10:00 CET Posten und Sammlungen Weltweit und Europa LIVE!
7867 8103 16:00 CET Posten und Sammlungen Deutschland bis 1945 LIVE!

Saturday November 9th, 2024

8104 8418 09:30 CET Posten und Sammlungen Deutschland nach 1945 - Bundesrepublik LIVE!
8419 8445 12:00 CET Zubehör, Literatur, Telefonkarten LIVE!
8446 8833 13:00 CET Münzen Weltweit und Europa von A-Z LIVE!
8834 9161 16:30 CET Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland, Papiergeld/Aktien LIVE!

Monday November 11th, 2024

1 154 09:30 CET Übersee, Ägypten - Brasilien – China VR – USA ONLINE LIVE
155 640 10:15 CET Europa, Albanien – Norwegen ONLINE LIVE
641 1720 12:30 CET Österreich ab Vorphila, Ortsstempel und Österreich Markenteil ONLINE LIVE
1721 2034 17:00 CET Österreich Porto, Lombardei Venetien, Levante, Bosnien-Herzegowina bis -Feldpost ONLINE LIVE

Tuesday November 12th, 2024

2035 2702 09:30 CET Polen, Russland Schweden, Schweiz mit allen Gebieten, Sowjetunion-Vatikan ONLINE LIVE
2703 3494 12:30 CET Altdeutschland Baden, Bayern, Bergedorf, Braunschweig bis Hamburg ONLINE LIVE
3495 4047 16:00 CET Altdeutschland Hannover, Preussen, Sachsen bis Thurn und Taxis ONLINE LIVE

Wednesday November 13th, 2024

4048 4542 09:30 CET Altdeutschland, Württemberg bis NDP ONLINE LIVE
4543 4981 12:00 CET Deutsches Reich 1872-1932 ONLINE LIVE
4982 5409 14:00 CET Deutsches Reich 1933-1945 und NS-Propaganda ONLINE LIVE
5410 5633 16:00 CET Deutsche Kolonien, Deut. Besetzungsausgaben, Abstimmungsgebiete, Feldpost I+II.WK ONLINE LIVE
5634 5931 17:00 CET Zeppelin, DO-X, Flug und Luftpost, Bodenseeschiffspost ONLINE LIVE

Thursday November 14th, 2024

5932 6309 09:30 CET Lokalausgaben nach 45, Gemeinschaftsausgaben, SBZ, DDR ONLINE LIVE
6310 6644 11:00 CET Berlin, Französische Zone ONLINE LIVE
6645 7237 12:30 CET Bizone und Bundesrepublik ONLINE LIVE
Current Auctions
November 8th - 14th, 2024
113th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
Focus on German areas, Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Special offer for Old German States
November 8th - 9th, 2024
113th Briefmarken Lenz Auction - Collections and Lots Stamps and Coins
November 11th - 14th, 2024
113th Briefmarken Lenz Auction - Single lots stamps
Auction Results
November 8th - 14th, 2024
113th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
Focus on German areas, Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Special offer for Old German States
April 26th - May 03rd, 2024
112th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
International auction with over 10,000 lots of stamps and coins
April 21st - 26th, 2023
110th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
International offer with 9200 lots of stamps and coins on 5 auction days
October 28th - November 3rd, 2022
109th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
Stamps and coins from around the world.
April 29th - May 5th, 2022
108th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
Stamps and coins from around the world.
Focus of this auction is Austria, Switzerland and in the German area Old Germany and the ...
October 29th - November 4th, 2021
107th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
International auction with approx. 9000 lots of stamps and coins, including aprox. 1300 items and collections / estates. Over 500 items of ...
May 07-12, 2021
106th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
International auction with approx. 9000 lots of stamps and coins, including over 1500 items and collections / estates. Over 600 items of ...
October 30th - November 5th, 2020
105th LENZ-Auction Stamps and Coins
Collections and items from Germany to all over the world
New date Juni 13th, 2020
Briefmarken Lenz Auction 104A - Collections and Lots
Collections and items from Germany to all over the world
April 17th - 23rd, 2020
Briefmarken Lenz 104th Auction
International auction with a focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
China correspondence dissolution of a Basel ...
November 8th-9th, 2019
Briefmarken Lenz 103rd Auction
German speaking areas, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein. Coins from China, Australia, USA, Mexico, Russia, Germany.
April 26th - 27th, 2019
Briefmarken Lenz 102nd Auction
International auction with a focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
China correspondence dissolution of a Basel ...
November 2nd - 3rd, 2018
Briefmarken Lenz 101th Auction
International auction with a focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
China correspondence dissolution of a Basel ...
May 4th -5th, 2018
Briefmarken Lenz 100th Auction
International auction with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
November 3rd - 4th, 2017
Briefmarken Lenz 99th Auction
International auction with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
April 21-23, 2017
Briefmarken Lenz 98th Auction
8800 single Lots, 2000 Collections, Coins, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China...
November 4th-5th, 2016
Briefmarken Lenz 97th Auction
Internationale Auktion mit Schwerpunkt Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Über 8800 Einzellose mit vielen Briefen, Stempel und ...
April 22nd - 23rd, 2016
Briefmarken Lenz 96th Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues (including Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein).
November 6th - 7th, 2015
Briefmarken Lenz 95th Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues (including Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein).
April 24th - 25th, 2015
Briefmarken Lenz 94th Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues.
November 7th - 8th, 2014
Briefmarken Lenz 93th Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues.
April 25th - 26th, 2014
Briefmarken Lenz 92nd Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues.
November 08th - 09th, 2013
Briefmarken Lenz 91st Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues.
April 26-27, 2013
90th Briefmarken Lenz Auction
Large auction offer with comprehensive section German issues.