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2015/07/28 | 類別: Articles, News

Dear enthusiasts around the world,

I am addicted. Since Tuesday afternoon I have been busy refreshing the openPetition web site where our online petition towards the preservation of private collecting is located. It is so much fun to see new petitioners signing every minute. By now everyone of you will know the danger which threatens private collecting in Germany that is the new amendment of the German Act towards the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Kulturgutschutzgesetz; KultgSchG).

Therefore we are using a web-based petition to try and demonstrate how many people support private collecting in Germany. After we published the petition online on Tuesday afternoon I sent out an e-mail to some colleagues and friends, and that was when all hell broke loose. Phone calls and e-mails kept flooding in from people thanking us and asking how they could help the cause. This is something we cannot be grateful enough for as my own small network will never manage to collect the 120,000 signatures needed for the German Federal Diet (Bundestag) to attend to the petition’s appeal.

We are asking for your kind help. Please activate your own network, and do not forget to sign the petition yourself by using your actual name or anonymously right here:

You still have more options than leaning back at this point. Forward this bulletin to your collector brothers in arms and friends, especially those who know collectors from different fields of interest – stamps, books, china, classic cars to name just a few – please inform them as well. This petition affects and is open towards any field of collecting.

All forum members, associations, circles, dealers with web sites or news mail services are invited to distribute the link, embed it in their site or forward it indefinitely. You may also contact us for assistance.

Only when all of us will collaborate to help support this petition we will succeed in convincing the politicians of our disagreement with Mrs. Grütters’ plans.

Ursula Kampmann


Please see the link collection below the cut for more information:

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